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Chem Van

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What is the Chemistry Van?

The Chemistry Van Project represents a consortium effort on the part of The Chicago Science Alliance to actively improve science education in the City of Chicago. The alliance is addressing the needs of the teachers in the Chicago Public High Schools in a significant and systemic way. The plan of the program is to introduce and sustain the use of laboratory experimentation and instrumentation in the secondary education curriculum. It is designed to provide in-service training for the high school teachers of science and then to provide that instrumentation on a daily basis for the teachers to use, in hands on experiments in their classrooms. The instrumentation is provide through the VAN project and delivered by a science certified instructor who aids the teacher in the classroom. The Chicago Science Alliance is composed of the following institutions: The Chicago Public Schools and their Office of Instructional Support (CPS), Chicago State University (CSU), The Teachers Academy for Math and Science in Chicago (TAMS), and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).

Information on the Chemistry Van Program Inservice and application for Summer 2000 can be found starting on the following page.