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Summer 2000 Description

The Chemistry Department at Chicago State University invites teachers from the public and the private schools in the Chicago Illinois Metropolitian area of middle and elementary students to explore the world of chemistry this summer. This inservice will provide teachers an opportunity to learn hands on chemistry and how to implement some of the experiments in their classrooms. Teachers will spend one week learning the theory and laboratory components of the program, and then will spend a second week applying the program to a classroom situation with actual 5th through 8th graders at the 2000 Chemistry Camp Program at Chicago State University. This program is made possible through grants from The Illinois Board of Higher Education, and the Institute for Chemical Education (ICE) of the University of Wisconsin

Inservice Credits and Details

Teachers who complete both weeks of the inservices, attend school year follow-up sessions and write a written report on their implimentation of the program in their schools are eligible for 2 hours of graduate credit.

Summer 2000 Inservice Dates

The Chemisty Camp Summer Teachers In-Service is a two week inservice.

  1. Everyone in the program participates July 10 through July 21.

If you wish to attend the inservice please fill in an application or contact:

Sharon Lee McCarthy, Ph. D.
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Chicago State University
9501 S. King Drive
Chicago, Il 60629